Authors and editors

Service for our authors and editors

You are an expert in your field and would like to share your knowledge in a book? We are your publishing partner in these subject areas: rail, public transport, maritime, logistics and transportation.

We will find exactly the right product form for your publication: from the most fundamental works in our handbook series and dissertations to short and concise books in the ABSTRACT series, the portfolio ranges from printed works including e-books in PDF format to purely electronic publications.
If you are interested, simply send a first outline of your draft to:

Special prices

When ordering our books, you as author or publisher will usually receive a 40 % discount on the retail price*. This applies to your publications as well as to all other books from Trackomedia.

Order on account in the webshop and note in the comments field at checkout that you are an author and receive the discounted price. Or simply send us an e-mail to:

*) The discount can only be applied when ordering for personal use. It refers to the selling price including tax. The shipping costs will be added.

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