Marketing in Public Transport is an excellent textbook for university students and vocational training students. It provides "public transport knowledge" and market insights. For professionals it is a useful reference work on marketing in public transport and the current trends such as digitalisation.
Marketing as a philosophy is the presentation of the company from the market, to the customer. This applies all the more to a service industry such as public transport where customers are involved. In this market, even with the new legal framework, very special conditions apply between business and the common good.
Marketing has to work in three ways: business-to-administration & nbsp; marketing to the contractor, customer and owner; Business-To-Business - Cooperative and competitive marketing and Business-to-Customer -marketing for the end customer, the passenger. The classic "4P", for public transport companies are, traffic, tariffs, sales and customer communication. These are augmented by the importance of personnel, lobbying and branding.